05 Lunch Ideas That Your Kids Will Love

05 Lunch Ideas That Your Kids Will Love

05 Lunch Ideas That Your Kids Will Love

Is making school lunches one of your primary concerns every morning? Is your kid extremely finicky about all the lunches you prepare for him? We know it can be a struggle to keep your kids satisfied and as a mother, you might already have a lot on your plate.

We have listed down five quick lunch ideas that your kid will love and take little to no effort to make, so if you are short on time and still want to satisfy your kids with some yummy food, then you should try the following lunch ideas: 

We are sure you must have tried a lot of different kinds of sandwiches, but we highly recommend this one as it enhances a regular dish to a whole new extent. It has a blend of various spices and herbs with tandoori chicken masala, giving it more of a desi flavor. Your kids will surely love this grilled tandoori chicken sandwich.

2.         CREAMY FAJITA:
Everybody loves good pasta, and this creamy fajita recipe will surely be loved by all the kids out there. It's a one-pot wonder that is a mix of vegetables, spices, and mozzarella cheese. It is quite easy to make and will surely not be overlooked by your kids. Try this mouthwatering creamy fajita recipe now.

Mozzarella sticks remain one of the cheesiest and yummiest appetizers and are also loved by kids and that's why giving them these as lunch is undoubtedly a good idea. It takes less than a few steps to prepare and is the perfect snack for kid’s lunches and will surely leave them satisfied. Try this mozzarella sticks recipe now! 

4.         RED SAUCE PASTA:
If your kids prefer slightly spicy options, then this one is a must-try. It is somewhat spicier than your regular pasta and is a perfect mix of different herbs. Plus, its colour is pure red with a dash of ketchup! Find this red sauce pasta recipe here.

5.         HUMMUS:
If you want to give your kids healthy lunch and prefer healthier options, then hummus is the way to go. It is quite easy to make and you can easily pack this for your kid's lunch alongside vegetables like carrots or cucumbers. Try this easy to make a hummus recipe.

All these recipes are quite easy to make and do not take a lot of your time, so it's a win-win situation for you and your kids. Try these delightful Food Tribune recipes and don't forget to share your feedback with us!


A person with an indescribable love for food and writing, here to share my infamous thoughts with you through these blogs.


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