Hyderabad Food Tales

Hyderabad Food Tales

Hyderabad Food Tales

Hyderabad, popularly known as the city of bangles, can surprise your taste buds when it comes to delicious food. Either its Bombay bakery’s cake or spicy Hyderabadi Chicken, the city’s rich culture offers a beautiful blend of sweet and spicy appetizers. Here are few options for you if you wish to dive in, in this fun experience of cooking:

Daal gosht:
A flavorful tender meat prepared in a chickpea curry is what Daal Gosht is all about. The divine blend of meat and lentils stands this dish out among the rest. It can either be served with rice or roti. Thus, it is an amazing option for the lunch.

Hyderabadi Chicken:
Hyderabadi Chicken is a lush chicken curry prepared in thick aromatic gravy. You can add cashews and almond to make it more luscious. It can be served with roti and naan.

Bombay bakery’s cake:
The lure to have the yummiest dessert, everyday there is a queue of people waiting outside Bombay bakery. The 100 year old bakery is notable for its unchanged taste and consistent quality. So, if you are planning to visit Hyderabad, Bombay Bakery should be your go to place for exceptional desserts and of course coffee.


Sheer Khorma:
Not only in Hyderabad, Sheer Khorma is delighted in every part of the country. The creamy pudding is cooked with vermicelli, nuts and dry dates. Mostly people serve this on Eid and special occasions, and since Eid ul Adha is around the corner, you can cook it and serve for your guests.



Being a Pakistani, food has always been my comforter, be it me getting happy over a happy meal or my father asking me to go to school just to get sweets in return. Food is not just about eating, its a sentiment that connects people with each other. I started writing for Food Tribune because of my love for food.


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