National Chocolate Cupcake Day

National Chocolate Cupcake Day

National Chocolate Cupcake Day

 “When you look at cupcakes, you’ve got to smile.” –Anne Byrn.
Who doesn’t like chocolate and cupcakes?! Now imagine both of them combined for some delicious chocolate cupcakes. That’s right - we absolutely love chocolate cupcakes too because it is exactly like having your personal mini cake which you can devour all by yourself.
National Chocolate Cupcake Day is here, so make sure to order up tons for you to munch on!

National Chocolate Cupcake Day is celebrated on 18th October all around the world with a dollop of frosting. Cupcakes are one of the most popular desserts enjoyed all over with unique names given by people who enjoy this baked good. Our favourite is the ‘fairy cake’ used by the British since the name and imagery is sweet and delicate, just like a chocolate cupcake.  If this name alone does not urge you to opt for chocolate cupcakes, then we don’t know what will.

National Chocolate Cupcake Day is celebrated by the people to enjoy the best flavour of cupcake; chocolate. The origin of cupcakes goes back to 1796, where cakes backed in small cups were first thought of and the name cupcake first mentioned in Eliza Leslie’s cookbook.
So the mouthwatering idea of a mini cake which you can enjoy all by yourself sounds very appealing. There have been different variation and techniques, but nothing can be better than some chocolate goodness.  

Indulge yourself in chocolaty goodness when National Chocloate Cupcake Day comes around. Make sure to get a hand on any and every chocolate cupcake you can find and make the most of it by munching up and sharing some with close friends and family. 
You can bake them at home or buy some from your favorite bakery to satisfy your choclate cravings and be a part of this outstanding day.
Some of the famous places in Karachi who serve the best choclate cupcakes are Sugaries, Delizia and Sacha’s cakes. These are the best spots to hit to have some delicious cupcakes so give these places a try and we are sure you will not be let down!

Marie Williams states, “Cupcakes are sweet and even sweeter when shared,” and we couldn’t agree more. Make sure you share your sweet indulgence with your loved ones and make the most of this day.
It seems that the cupcake craze is here to stay and we are definitely not complaining. Celebrate National Chocolate Cupcake Day this October 18th and have lots of choco goodness.


A person with an indescribable love for food and writing, here to share my infamous thoughts with you through these blogs.


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