All You Need To Know About An Electric Stove!

All You Need To Know About An Electric Stove!

All You Need To Know About An Electric Stove!

Electric stove or induction stove is an electrical device is used for cooking. It is a replacement for your old school solid-fuel stoves and is far more efficient, safe and convenient.
It is now becoming very popular to use electric stove rather than gas stoves as they are operated by just a rotary switch and do the same work as your traditional gas stove would do, but with lesser time.

Why is it better?
Electric stoves are more convenient and safer than gas stoves as they work through electricity and hence, there is no fear of any gas leakages or open flames. They also save ample time and are also easy to use for beginners and professionals.

Operating an electric stove is not rocket science and it is usually very easy to operate one. However, one has to be cautious of various things when using an electric stove:
•    The cooktops can reach extremely high temperatures which can be pretty harmful
•    Towels, cloths or curtains should not be anywhere near your electric stove
•    Take extra precautions when it comes to you and try not lean over heated elements.
•    Ensure the top switch is turned off when not in use  

Smooth cook tops are the best type of cookware to use on electric stoves while flat bottom cookware is also ideal. Copper, stainless steel and cast iron are the best materials to keep in mind while shopping for your pots and pans. However, woks or round metal vessels are not recommended for electric stoves because of their shape.

When using electric stoves, electricity runs through a wire inside the coil making them turn orange which indicates it is heated. Some newer electric stoves have the coil built in and when you turn on the stove, electricity runs through it, making the metal heat up.

If you’re taking a trip to the appliance store soon, this guide will definitely help you to buy and use the best type of induction stove out there. 


A person with an indescribable love for food and writing, here to share my infamous thoughts with you through these blogs.


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