Here is a complete guide on how to cut and slice a cantaloupe. A cantaloupe or musk melon is also known as sweet melon, mush melon, rock melon. In South African term it is known as ‘spanspek’. Cantaloupe or musk melon is a Cucumis melon species from the Cucurbitaceae family. 

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A cantaloupe or musk melon is also known as sweet melon, mush melon, rock melon. In South African term it is known as ‘spanspek’. Cantaloupe or musk melon is a Cucumis melon species from the Cucurbitaceae family. 
Cucurbitaceae species consists of 965 species with 95 varieties. Cucurbitaceae is known as gourd that includes crops like cucumber, squash, melon, water melon etcetera. Not all muskmelons are called cantaloupes because of the ripeness of the fruit. One of the great joys of summers are people wanting to eat muskmelon, water melon. 

Following are the steps to your guide on how to buy a ripe cantaloupe/musk melon.

How to see if the cantaloupe is ripe:

To see if the fruit you want to buy is ripe or not; first thing first, the quality and smell of the fruit matters. In this way you will get to know how fresh the fruit is. Some check the ripeness through the spot color on the fruit on both the edges or by finding skin tears or any discoloration found on the skin.

How to cut a cantaloupe:

Step one:

Place a knife on the edge of the cantaloupe and slice both ends.

Step two: 

Then cut the skin from top to bottom, making sure no skin is left.

Step three: 

Place the knife in the middle, cut the cantaloupe in two halves. Scoop all the seeds with a help of a spoon. Discard the waste.

Step four:
To slice the cantaloupe into thin slices; cut into half, to make it cleaner, trim the pith and discard it. Now thinly slice the cantaloupe. Place it on a plate and serve.

Now that you know how to slice a cantaloupe, all you must do is put them in good use by making a fruit salad or mocktail. 

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