Cabbages are such an integral part of the food we eat every day- they’re the star of coleslaw, which pairs well with any sandwich, burger, or fries. There are many different varieties of cabbage, and it’s important to know how to choose the right one for whichever recipe you’re attempting. Here is a detailed guide on how to buy, store and cut cabbages like a pro.

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Selecting the perfect cabbage:

Cabbages come in a variety of sizes and colors. Here are some of the most common ones:

-    Green cabbage: 

This is the most commonly used cabbage, and can be found easily in all markets. It is cheap, and has a slightly sweet taste that we most associate with cabbages. This type of cabbage is used for making coleslaw, mixed veggies or can be added in salads.

-    Red cabbage:

This cabbage has a lovely deep reddish purple hue, and tastes slightly bitterer than regular green cabbage.  Red cabbage gets its distinctive color from the pH level of the soil it is cultivated in. It goes perfectly with seafood salad and balsamic vinaigrette. 

-    Savoy cabbage: 

This cabbage is also known as winter cabbage, and has a very delicate taste as compared to the other two. The leaves of this cabbage are wrinkled, thin, and very compact to the core of the cabbage. The cabbage looks very small but once separated it will be enough.  This cabbage is perfect for cooked dishes such as soups, and stir-fry. 


Once you know which type of cabbage you’re looking for, the next step is picking out the right one. Make sure to go by the weight of the cabbage and not is size, because the weight determines how many leaves it contains for use. Look for signs that show whether or not the cabbage is aged, since aged cabbage tends to rot easily and is more vulnerable to vegetable parasites.


If you want to store cabbage for using later in the day, the best thing is to store it in water. But if you want to store it for more than a day then carefully place it in a bowl and tightly stretch cling wrap across it- this will help the cabbage last for up to a week. Make sure to wash the cabbage before use and not before storage.

How to cut a cabbage:

Here is a visual guide on how to shred a cabbage with a sharp knife.

Step one: 
First, chop off the head of the cabbage and discard. 

Step two:
Then remove the top layer of leaves and discard them, exposing the clean leaves underneath.

Step three:
Now cut the cabbage into half.

Step four
Holding the knife vertically across the cabbage, thinly slice it.

And there you have it- perfectly shredded cabbage!
All it takes is practice and you’ll learn the basics of selecting, cutting and storing cabbages in no time! 

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