Strawberry Honey Sea


This red-pink, fresh smoothie is perfect for the strawberry season. It is extremely easy to make and uses fresh strawberries, soda water, cream and some additional ingredients for some sweet flavor. If you are craving something refreshing and healthy, this drink is for you.

  • Easy
  • 1 person(s)
  • 10 Mins


    • Strawberries1 cup
    • Lemon Juice½ cup
    • Soda Water½ cup
    • Cream½ cup
    • Honey1 tsp
    • Ice CubesAs Required


  • In a blender add fresh strawberry, lime juice, soda water and grind until well combined
  • Add cream and honey to taste. Then add ice cubes and grind until fluffy and well done.
  • Enjoy! Please give us your feedback in the comments below.
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