Cooking decent meals needs a great deal of patience and determination. If true foodies want to eat well, it won't be difficult for them to invest some time in the kitchen. Some find the kitchen to be a boring place, probably because it does not excite them Having to cut, chop, and assemble ingredients to make a dish is not their favorite activity. However, how do they deal with their hunger in times of crisis, when they desperately want to eat, but there is nobody to help them?
Here is an easy one-ingredient food list for all of you lazy cooks out there.
Roasted potatoes
Wash the potatoes thoroughly and scrape them all over with a knife. Cover with silver foil and bake for 20 minutes or until done at 180 degrees. Remove the skin and season with your favorite seasoning.
Eggs in oven
Place two eggs in a microwave-safe cup. Microwave the mixture after it has been thoroughly combined. Season to taste.
Frozen banana ice cream
Easy, simple, and healthy one-ingredient frozen banana ice cream. Fill a food processor halfway with frozen bananas and blend until smooth and creamy.
Pop some popcorn in a pan and season with some Himalayan salt and organic butter or any other seasoning of your choice.
Baked sweet potatoes
Wash the sweet potatoes thoroughly. Create small holes with a fork. Slice into small pieces and bake for 10 minutes at 120°F. Turn sweet potatoes occasionally until they are crispy and enjoy!
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